The Duke Who Knew Too Much | Grace Callaway | Book Review | Heart of Enquiry Book Series Reading Order

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The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway is the first typesetting in the “Heart of Enquiry” Historical Romance Typesetting Series. So, read the typesetting summary, genre, typesetting release date, reading age, and typesetting review of The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway. Moreover read the “Heart of Enquiry” Typesetting Series reading order and books list in this post below.

The Duke Who KNew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Cover, Typesetting Review, Typesetting Summary, Typesetting Quotes, Genre, Reading Age,

A suspenseful #enemiestolovers #regencyromance, read The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway #BookReview #BookQuotes #BookSeries #ReadingOrder on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends
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About The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway:

No. of Pages: 350

Genre: Historical Romance, Regency Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Adult Romance, Romantic Suspense, Indie Author

Book Release Date: 15 January 2015

Reading Age: 18 years and above

Series: Heart of Enquiry Typesetting 1

Buy From: AMAZON

Read the Prequel Typesetting in “Heart of Enquiry” Series: “The Widow Vanishes

Read the next typesetting in “Heart of Enquiry” Series:M is for Marquess

The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Summary:

A spinster and rake join forces to reservation a murderer. Wills unpeace and passion flares; will they risk all for love—before it’s too late?

The Duke Who KNew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Review, Typesetting Summary, Typesetting Quotes, Genre, Reading Age,

A suspenseful #enemiestolovers #regencyromance, read The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway #BookReview #BookQuotes #BookSeries #ReadingOrder on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends
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The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Review:

This is the first typesetting by Grace Callaway that I have read and it certainly wont be the last!

With ramified characters, a vivid emotional play, fast paced story and intense romance, I was pleasantly surprised by this book.

The hero, Alaric initially seemed like the worst sort of man but boy! just wait till you peel off the layers to his weft to reach his true self and I sat giddy as our headstrong heroine succeeded in infuriating and heady him!

It is not living that matters, he’d taught her and her siblings, but living rightly. Follow the wisdom of your heart, and it will lead you to the truth.”

-The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Quote

The play between the protagonists had me laughing, swooning and then rooting for them. The plot is intricate with multiple sub-plots and is expertly executed.

There’s a difference between pity and empathy. I don’t finger sorry for you—I’m sorry that you had an wits that sounds dreadful.”

-The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway Typesetting Quote

I sat mesmerized by the story and could not stop reading until I had finished the book!

The relationship minutiae is the highlight of this book. The brother-brother bond, brother-sister, sister-sister, sister-sister-in-law and yoke between lovers ; everything is realistically and vividly brought out that will leave you connecting with these people and feeling like you once know them.

The whole romance and mystery are well well-turned and I taxed both my heart and smart-ass in this book.


So, a lovely, entertaining and memorable historical romantic suspense, I requite THE DUKE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH by Grace Callaway 5 super shiny stars our of 5. And Njkinny recommends this typesetting to all regency romance lovers whilom the age of eighteen.

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Also read Heart of Enquiry Typesetting Series by Grace Callaway Books List and reading order:

Heart of Enquiry Typesetting Series by Grace Callaway List, Reading Order, Typesetting Reviews on Njkinny's Blog

  1. The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway
  2. M is for Marquess by Grace Callaway
  3. The Lady Who Came In From The Cold by Grace Callaway
  4. The Viscount Always Knocks Twice by Grace Callaway
  5. Never Say Never To An Earl by Grace Callaway
  6. The Gentleman Who Loved Me by Grace Callaway

Checkout Heart of Enquiry #RegencyRomance #BookSeries by Grace Callaway #ReadingOrder with Dashing Heroes and Headstrong Heroines and plenty of #romanticsuspense with heart on #NjkinnysBlog #IARTG #NjkinnyRecommends
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